Monday, December 27, 2021

It's time for a movie spree

 When I made a post about The Gentlemen in April I vaguely mentioned being afraid that the movie theaters might not open in the near future. As it turned out, my fears were unfounded and theaters opened back up around August and this time there were movies I wanted to watch. So. many. movies. 

So naturally, I went on a movie spree and am now officially back on my regular schedule. All with necessary safety precautions, of course. 

What follows now is a quick rundown of every movie I watched in order and with short impressions and ratings. Here we go:

The Green Knight

I have been looking forward to this one for ages and when I finally watched it, it fullfilled all my expectations. Wonderfully strange and dark folkloric-feeling tale of what honor even means. 5/5

The Suicide Squad

I've already given you my rundown on this one. Better than the first, brutal, bloody, a good time at the movies. 4/5

Promising Young Woman

I really believe the movie was advertised wrong. It's not the fun revenge story some trailers and quotes made it seem and is instead a heavy compelling portrait of a woman eaten alive by grief and rage and guilt. 4/5


Epic sci-fi, perfectly understandable even for people who have next to no prior knowledge of the book(s). Gorgeous visuals, gorgeous music, a story that slowly unfolds and stays open for the next one. 5/5

James Bond: No Time to Die

As customary for Craig Bonds, very serious, very driven. Personally I enjoyed the complexity and human aspects they have given Bond and thought overall the story was well crafted. 3.5/5


As I've said to a friend, this movie suffered from having to be part of the MCU. There was much there that could've been truly great but was hindered by having to adhere to MCU standards. However, the movie succeeded in humanizing its immortal characters insofar that I could sympathize with their struggles, which is quite a feat. 3/5

House of Gucci

Watched ths one in a Ladies' First preview with a friend and liked it quite a bit despite the fact that this is not my ususal genre at all. Great acting, great writing, great story development. Great movie as long as you don't mind that every character is deeply terrible. 4.5/5

I really wanted to watch Gunpowder Milkshake but our movie theater had a heating misshap and thus I missed the last showing. Eh, I'll just have to wait.

Satori over and out

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About Me

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I am in my early 30s and finished my university career. My areas of study included media analysis, literary and cultural studies, linguistics, and history. I like reading, drawing, writing, movies, TV, friends, traveling, dancing and all kinds of small things that make me happy. Just trying to spread some love.

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