Friday, April 9, 2021

"Bad" movies I enjoy 2 - King Arthur


King Arthur: Legend of the Sword movie poster showing Charlie Hunnan as Arthur holding a sword

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (30/69)

Is this just an excuse to talk more about this movie? Maybe. The audience score for this one is pretty solid but critics weren’t as happy with it. Something about how there wasn't much of a story or how the characters were underdeveloped or how it had little to do with the King Arthur myth. Eh, who needs all that. I will forever be bitter that it underperformed and we will never get a sequel called "Knights of the Round Table" in which Arthur has to deal with nobility.

What is it that I like about this movie?
  • As I said in a previous post on this blog (nearly four years ago now wow) changing Arthur’s background, how he grew up, and who he is now as a person as a result is very interesting to me. Arthur is not a noble and instead grew up as an orphan in a brothel and on the streets of London. He vehemently resists becoming the chosen one and is instead interested in protecting those he considers his.
  • I am also in general fond of Guy Ritchie’s signature style of story-telling, full of highly stylized action-sequences.
  • I very much like the fact that there’s no romance sub-plot. The mage fulfills the role of guide not love interest, which is only fitting for this film.
  • I also enjoy that not everyone is white as is often the case in medieval fantasy.
  • The score is absolutely phenomenal. It is one of my favorite movie scores ever and I listen to it constantly.

Should you watch it? - Definitely! It is a good time at the movies if you're into fantasy.

 Satori over and out

(For my next "bad" movie, I should pick one with a low audience score to balance it out.)

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I am in my early 30s and finished my university career. My areas of study included media analysis, literary and cultural studies, linguistics, and history. I like reading, drawing, writing, movies, TV, friends, traveling, dancing and all kinds of small things that make me happy. Just trying to spread some love.

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