Sunday, May 29, 2016

Science and Egalitarianism

I know I just said that this blog will not have any reviews, but this isn't a review so much as it is an evaluation so it still fits. It's already been posted on my main blog.

Made with the Scale of Inclusivity of HerStoryArc (

1) Not offensive to women: 1/1
Eureka is in my opinion not offensive at all. Yes, one or two times there's a female character in her underwear, but it's definitely counterbalanced by the (partial) nudity of male characters and in both cases it is not sexualised, but furthers the situation's hilarity.
There is an episode in which pheromones make women be attracted to the main character, but he never makes a move to abuse this at all, is very concerned and anyway the whole disaster ends in him having to run away, because they'd kill him otherwise. It's funny as shit.

2) Features a female protagonist and/or supporting character: 2/2
Even if Jack is a white male protagonist, the show features women (and WOC) who are arguably protagonists in their own rights. Jo for example or Alison or Zoe. Additionally there are a lot of female supporting characters (or main characters of later seasons) and half of the background or one off characters - even the antagonists - are female (and mostly very capable scientists btw).

3) Passes the Bechdel Test: 3/3
Definitely does. There are many women and even if they sometimes talk about men they more often discuss the scientific problem of the week (because they are instrumental in solving it!), their fears and hopes, their plans for the future and how they can prevent Eureka from total obliteration this time.

4) Artistic and/or entertaining: 4/4
This show gets 4 points for two reasons. One: I've rarely seen a show of which I enjoy all five seasons in the same way and of which I like almost all episodes. Usually a show's quality declines more or less drastically after the first two seasons or it has a few brilliant episodes embedded in a mass of fillers. Two: the idea that all the problems are caused by and later solved through (extremely fictionalized) science is fantastic and very well realized. The characters are mostly brilliant scientists and they're all ambitious, slightly eccentric and cause world threatening catastrophes that can only be averted with even more science - and Jack and Jo's everyday logic. Furthermore the show is wonderfully creative, funny and geeky.

5) Above and beyond general media: 4/5
As I've said before Eureka's female characters are great. Nobody questions their suitability as a scientist, police officer, or manager (jobs that oftentimes go to men, but are naturally in women's hands here). They are complex and despite romantic relationships independent and focussed and above all completely different from each other. Additionally Eureka features quite some POCs as main and supporting characters. Women and POC both are as important as their white male counterparts.
I didn't give it 5/5 in this category, because of the prevalent "single women wants a good man" trope that is responsible for nearly every woman ending up in a (heterosexual) relationship (even though the relationships themselves are very sweet and wonderful and developed naturally) and because of the unnecessary jealousy story-line in season 5 that doesn't do justice to Alison's character.

Therefore Eureka gets a 14/15 rating.

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I am in my early 30s and finished my university career. My areas of study included media analysis, literary and cultural studies, linguistics, and history. I like reading, drawing, writing, movies, TV, friends, traveling, dancing and all kinds of small things that make me happy. Just trying to spread some love.

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