Monday, July 1, 2019

Female Villain Archive 5: Dr. Olivia Octavius


Before I get into it, I have to say how incredible Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is in general. The story is great and uplifiting, the characters - especially Miles - are beautifully executed, the soundtrack is wonderful and the animation is outstanding. So it's not surprising that Into the Spider-Verse would have a fun female villain. 

Dr. Olivia Octavius (Kathryn Hahn) is the type of mad scientist that women rarely get to be. She's brilliant, she's ruthless, she's unapologetic and nevertheless maintains an affable facade. The fun thing about her is that we're introduced to her in a science video Miles watches in school, so she's obviously got some legitimate credibility in the science community she's in. When we first meet her in person, we already know that she works for Fisk but the degree to which she isn't only involved but spearheads his efforts becomes clear after a great reveal. Another fun thing about her is that she clearly does not care for Fisk's goals but only his money. She knows that people grabbed from another reality will always disintegrate painfully, but she doesn't tell him, accepting that Fisk's family will die before his eyes - again and again possibly - so that she can have her scientific advancements. What a deliciously dreadful person.

About Me

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I am in my early 30s and finished my university career. My areas of study included media analysis, literary and cultural studies, linguistics, and history. I like reading, drawing, writing, movies, TV, friends, traveling, dancing and all kinds of small things that make me happy. Just trying to spread some love.

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